Are You a Good Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?
Weight loss surgery is an option for patients with severe obesity. Obesity is considered “severe” when the Body Mass Index (BMI) reaches 40 or higher. A BMI between 35 and 39 may also qualify as “severe” if other weight-related health conditions are present. This are known as comorbidities.
What is BMI?
The BMI number is a measure of body fat based upon the height and weight of adults (20 years and older). It compares your weight to your height and expresses this number as “kilograms per meter squared” For example, if your BMI is 35, this means you have 35 kilograms of body fat for every square meter of your height.
Find out your BMI using the calculator below.
BMI Categories:
- Underweight = less than 18.5
- Normal weight = 18.5 to 24.9
- Overweight = 25 to 29.9
- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Other Factors to Consider
If your BMI is in the “Obesity” range, you may still need to meet other requirements to have surgery. Before you can qualify for weight loss surgery, other non-invasive methods of treatment must have been tried without success. This will include diet, exercise, medication, and more. If you have not yet tried one (or most) of these non-invasive methods, you will be encouraged to explore these options before committing to surgery.
Types of Weight Loss Surgery Atlanta Residents are Using
There are several types of weight loss surgery in Atlanta, GA. Here is a brief explanation of what’s offered at our bariatric center.
Biliopancreatic Diversion – Duodenal Switch: This surgery removes 70% of the stomach and connects the end of the intestine to the duodenum.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Surgical staples are used to reduce the size of the stomach before attaching a section of the small intestine to the stomach.
Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication: In this surgery, no part of the stomach is removed. Instead, it is folded and sewn closed to reduce the available room for food.
Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy: This surgery removes a majority of the stomach but does not involve altering the intestines.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: More commonly known as LAP-BAND surgery, this procedure places a small plastic band around the upper portion of your stomach to limit its ability to expand while you eat.
Orbera Gastric Balloon: The gastric balloon is a non-surgical procedure where a deflated plastic balloon is inserted down your throat into your stomach, then pumped full of air to take up space so you feel full faster. After six months, the balloon is removed in a similar way.
Contact our weight loss surgery practice in Atlanta, GA, for more information or to schedule your appointment.